Reach out.

Connecting you to the services you need.

When you call us or chat with us online, you’ll talk to one of our caring, trained Peer Support Specialists. We can help you decide what kind of services you need by asking you a few questions, and we can connect you to them through your local Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN). Learn more about the kind of services available to you in Oregon.

Harm reduction

Harm reduction saves lives. These services keep people who use drugs, like fentanyl or alcohol, safe by offering non-judgmental care that improves their quality of life and health, prevents and manages injury and disease, and prevents fatal overdoses. Harm reduction honors the dignity and wellbeing of each person.


Treatment combines medical care, like supporting people through withdrawal symptoms or starting medication that helps with cravings, with services that help you learn coping skills. Treatment can happen in an inpatient or outpatient setting, and you and your treatment provider decide together what kind of treatment is right for you.


Being in recovery means making changes over time that can help you feel better, live life on your own terms, and work toward reaching your goals. Recovery looks different for everyone and might include medication-assisted treatment, self-help or support groups, recovery coaching, or being part of recovery communities.

Supportive services 

A person’s recovery is best supported when they have everything they need to live well. In addition to substance use services, services like housing support, employment assistance, and food insecurity services are also available.

Received a fine for possession?

If you received a citation for possessing small amounts of drugs in Oregon (called a “Class E violation”), you can have the fine waived by calling the Oregon Hopeline and completing a health assessment.

  1. Call us at (833) 975-0505. Our trained Peer Support Specialists will provide a screening for substance use, mental health and other supportive service referrals you might need.
  2. Once the screening is complete, we will refer you to appropriate services.
  3. We will email you a letter that confirms you have completed the health assessment. Bring it to court to waive your fine.

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs)

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) are networks of organizations that provide trauma-informed, culturally specific services to people who need treatment and support for substance use concerns. The services they provide include screening for substance use disorder, substance use disorder treatment, harm reduction services, and peer support services. They also screen for health and social service needs, including housing support. Each county and Tribal area in Oregon has at least one BHRN.